The report below gives a good overview of the Fall 2021 M&A activity in the Energy Industry Sector. The global energy system is at a point of inflection. On the one hand, the gradual recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic is driving the energy requirements, while on the other hand environmental considerations are pushing for energy transition. Achieving the climate targets articulated in the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement would require a massive reduction in carbon dioxide emissions. However, this does not seem to be the case. While 2020 saw roughly a 6% decrease in global CO2 emissions, the IEA projects that 2021 will see a rebound to 2019 levels or above. According to the new market research by The Business Research Company, the fossil fuel electricity market is expected to grow from $799.94 in billion 2020 to $833.71 billion in 2021 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.2%. Many studies estimate that fossil fuel consumption in 2040 will be similar to, and in some cases substantially higher than, 2019 levels. The demand for natural gas has witnessed an exponential rise in the recent decades, replacing coal in the power sector and becoming more widely used in buildings and industry around the world. There has been a global progress on the front of electricity generation from renewable sources of energy. Based on current policy settings and economic trends, electricity generation from renewables including hydropower, wind and solar PV is expected to grow strongly around the world over the next two years - by 8% in 2021 and by more than 6% in 2022.
Posted by Roy Graham.