I landed in investment banking through an unusual path. I did not come through the financing or accounting track. Instead, I started my career with Procter & Gamble in sales and marketing. After that, I spent 25 years in the advertising agency business, first in account service and then into agency ownership. I grew and sold one prominent agency, then co-founded a ground-breaking integrating marketing firm we branded as Periscope. While I left Periscope 20 years ago, it was recently sold for an astonishing $127 million dollars.
I joined Corporate Finance Associates 11 years ago. I found that my marketing communications background was instantly valuable for our clients. My ability to craft "Truth Well Told" messages about our clients and their companies, paid big dividends in attracting high value buyers to our engagements. I also was very experienced in intense client service situations, and none are higher stakes than working with company owners who have put decades of sweat into their businesses, and are now at a "first-time/last time" milestone, as they look to sell their companies. Having been in their shoes myself multiple times, I take the trust they place in me very personally.
At a later stage of life, I love working with company owners and helping them achieve their dreams by applying some of the life and business lessons I have been through. To a person, our owner clients have been wonderful people who care deeply about their companies, their employees, and their legacy. Our work for them honors that.
I, and our Minneapolis CFA office team, take a hands-on approach, doing the work ourselves, not handing it off to junior associates. It's the most gratifying work I have done in my career.
Securities offered through Corporate Finance Securities, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC