JP Balestrieri Named to Ridge Global Board of Advisors

JP Balestrieri Named to Ridge Global Board of Advisors

By Kim Levin

April 12, 2012

Gianpiero “ J.P.” BalestrieriLast week Ridge Global announced the appointment of CFA’s Gianpiero “ J.P.” Balestrieri to their board of advisors. Ridge Global is an international security, risk management and business consulting firm founded by Tom Ridge, the first Secretary of Homeland Security and 43rd Governor of Pennsylvania. According to the Ridge Global press release, JP brings his experience in corporate growth and development and joins a team of advisors which includes Lisa Gordon-Haggerty, General Barry McCaffrey and Herman Pirchner Jr. It is an honor to be so named and on behalf of CFA, I offer our congratulations to JP.

To read the entire press release, please click here.